Using a 3D shading and feathering technique, MicroArt semi-permanent makeup is applied to the hair loss area of the scalp. This creates the illusion of real hair without painful surgery. Any area of the scalp with hair loss can be shaded, from the crown to the hairline. MicroArt is perfect for men and women, all styles and types of hair. Colors are customized to match your hair color, so it is virtually blended with the existing hair to create a full, natural look.
What is Microart?
MicroArt Semi Permanent makeup is a proprietary technology perfected by our team of electronic engineers, cosmetic biochemists, and Founder Hollywood makeup artist Tanya York. The goal was to develop a makeup that could last for years on the skin, look more natural than makeup, and eliminate all of the side effects of other forms of permanent makeup. After five years of development, MicroArt has now been enjoyed by thousands of people who fly in from around the world to get their procedure.
There are no other forms of permanent cosmetics like it. MicroArt utilizes cutting-edge equipment, custom blended mineral-based pigments, and a system designed to ensure results so natural that even men wear it. Click to learn more about the differences between MicroArt and other forms of permanent makeup.

MicroArt is a proprietary technology developed by acclaimed Hollywood entrepreneur and former special effects makeup expert Tanya York — with the help of a team of mechanical engineers and cosmetic biochemists.
The goal was to develop a makeup procedure that would look more natural than any form of permanent or semi-permanent makeup and eliminate all side effects. Side effects of other forms of permanent makeup range from short-term such as downtime, scabbing, bruising and heavy bleeding to the long-term side effects such as scarring, inks that change colors on the skin and the shape of the makeup that changes over time due to the skin’s aging process.
MicroArt has eliminated all such side effects through:
- Equipment: Specialized equipment developed by MicroArt for unrivaled precision.
- Clinics: MicroArt procedures are performed in a certified, professional medical office passing regular, stringent County Health Department inspections.
- Products: Special, natural pigments developed that will not change color and are hypoallergenic (safe for your skin).
- Technique: A technique developed over the years to ensure the ideal, custom shape and color is provided to each client
- Technicians: All technicians are personally trained for months, and certified, by Master Micro Artist Tanya York. MicroArt Technicians are not licensed to perform services on Ms. York’s clients until their work is indistinguishable from hers.
There are no other forms of permanent cosmetics like it.
- Perfect for men or women: All styles and types of hair
- Anti-Aging – Take years off with the appearance of thicker fuller hair
- Thinning hair solution – Completely natural looking
- Non-surgical- 100% waterproof. Looks great no matter what you’re doing
- Look great all the time – MicroArt lasts up three years, and you can add as desired anytime with a simple touch-up procedure
- No downtime – Show off your new look the same day, no bleeding, bruising or recovery time necessary

Permanent makeup is applied using heavy gauge needles or a blade to penetrate deep into the skin causing bleeding, bruising, scabbing, scarring, and downtime. Permanent makeup uses various forms of tattoo inks that are toxic to the body; its colors are harsh and change over time. So people can end up with blue or orange inks in the skin. Another issue with permanent makeup is that as our skin ages and starts to sag the ink ends up in the wrong place so it actually accentuates the signs of aging.
Permanent makeup artists’ training is only a few days. Their minimal training and the equipment & products used all contribute to the harsh look associated with permanent makeup and microblading. The best way to fix it with MicroArt.
MicroArt Semi Permanent makeup, on the other hand, has the most natural results. There is NO downtime, NO bruising, NO scabbing, NO scarring. Because MicroArt technology uses an acupuncture needle as thin as a human hair that vibrates on the dermal layer of the skin 80 to 100 times per second, the results are precise. Colors are custom blended with non-toxic mineral-based pigments. The design is customized to fit each patient’s looks and desires by our Artist. It takes about 1 year to train a Micro-Artist to perform the procedure. The results are amazing.

How many sessions do I need?
Initially, 4 sessions 4 weeks apart are needed for each area of the scalp. During each session, more pigment is added to the scalp in thin layers gradually changing the color of the skin and matching it to your natural hair texture and color. You see results after each session. During a 1-hour session, a pigment can be added to about a 6-inch circle of the scalp although each area of the scalp is different in terms of sensitivity and how fast our technicians can apply pigment. Each Scalp Shading client is unique, so the number of sessions needed to obtain the desired results will vary based on each client’s individual situation.
What can I expect after each session?
After each session, you will have to go home and wash your hair, as it will be messy from the procedure. You will see the results right away as the pigment settles into the skin. After each session the pigment will appear darker then over the next 2 weeks, it lightens up in time for your next session where we add more pigment. After each session, the color fades less. We will give you an aftercare kit that should be used 2 times per day for 5 days after each session. This will keep the scalp sanitized and moisturized. The results are amazing!
How is MicroArt Scalp Shading applied?
MicroArt semi-permanent makeup is non-surgical; the hair loss application takes about an hour per session, and there is no downtime. MicroArt clients fully participate in choosing their desired look, shape, and colors. Colors are customized specifically for each client, so every MicroArt application is unique to the client’s desires. The treatment involves the gentle placement of mineral-based pigments onto the outer dermal layer of the scalp.
Prices are based on treatment procedure time. Our work is customized to each client’s needs based on skin size, location, and the colors we are matching. Each client starts with a minimum of 4 monthly treatments. Prices start at $3,000 for a series of four one-hour treatments. In a one-hour session, we can camouflage up to 9 square inches (3″ x 3″) of skin.
We require photos to estimate how many hours of treatment you will require. Please upload photos of each area. Photos must be well-lit, in focus, without any makeup. You will receive your estimate within 1 business day.
Why MicroArt Semi-Permanent Makeup is the premier choice for active women of all ages. Taking precautions is a commendable philosophy and one that MicroArt endorses in its practice. So when it comes to having permanent makeup applied, [...]
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Hair Loss Solution – MicroArt™ Scalp Shading, Amazing Results!
Joe just got his MicroArt Scalp Shading procedure, the perfect hair loss solution, with spectacular results! Stay tuned for a behind-the-scenes video of Joe's procedure, as well as a video testimonial of how much Joe loves his MicroArt! [...]
Scalp Shading Explained
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